CAPE1 Fit Check and Vibration Test Photos

Nick and I are here at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA for final qualification tests of CAPE1. Here are some photos:

Unpacking CAPE1 from the Test PodUnpacking CAPE1 from the Test PodWeighing CAPE 1 (It weighed 879g)CAPE1 Fit CheckCAPE1 Fit CheckCAPE1 Fit CheckCAPE1 on the Vibration TableCAPE1 on the Vibration TableCAPE1 on the Vibration TableCAPE1 on the Vibration TableTaking CAPE1 Out of the P-POD after Vibration TestingExamining CAPE1 after Vibration TestingPerforming the Shake CheckPlugging CAPE1 into the Diagnostic BoxIt Works!Sealing CAPE1 for Thermal Vacuum Tests TomorrowSealing CAPE1 for Thermal Vacuum Tests Tomorrow